
Course Information

Power and Community (LAKM 653)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year - Fall Semester


Lisa M. Brooks
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Thu, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (8/26/2024 - 12/6/2024) Location: PW


The principle objectives of this course are to assess how historical processes associated with European expansion and colonization have affected the culture and social organization of indigenous peoples, and to discuss ways of using assessment to form action for change. Further, study into the effects of the market system, of missionizing, of integration into the capitalist world system, and of colonization, on community life. Final study will include an examination of past and ongoing resistance and struggle of indigenous and oppressed people in North and South America to protect their communities, preserve their cultures, and to achieve self-determination. The course will emphasize the Lakota values of respect, humility and courage. The Lakota language will be spoken as much as possible during class hours.
Pre-requisites: LAKM 603, LAKM 613, and LAKM 633.
3 graduate credits